Saturday, May 14, 2005

So Long, And Thanks for All the Fish

It’s official: we’re permanent residents! Now we can work, study (at the much lower domestic student tuition rate) and live here indefinitely. We’re even eligible to vote in this year’s election. Hmmm, Labor or Green?

When we left Philadelphia one year ago today, I didn’t expect to be where I am now a year later. Then again, if a crystal ball had shown me the future, I wouldn’t have been shocked either. Moving here’s been in the back of my mind for ages, and I’ve had a kind of fantasy about being an academic for as long as I can remember. (My uncle the chemistry professor had the best job of anyone I knew.) Needless to say, I’m really happy about the way things are working out.

And even though NZ is the “other side of the world,” that world is getting smaller all the time. Last week we were walking to the Queen Street Cineplex to see The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and ran into someone from Wharton; Medtronic is launching a new product here. Infinite improbability? – not with 800 graduates in the Class of ’04.

Of course the Internet is the real world-shrinker. Instead of breakfast in bed, for a weekend treat I’ll bring our coffee and cornflakes upstairs to Ali’s office. We listen to All Things Considered and catch up with Seattle stories on KUOW, or get the news from Lake Woebegone on WBEZ. I still read All the News That's Fit to Print every day, but for a different perspective I like Asia Times. And between e-mail and Skype, keeping in touch has never been easier. If only the Internet could create extra hours in a day.

Even though we haven’t been here long enough to get really homesick, next week we’re heading back for a visit. Bob is finally getting married, and we just couldn’t miss it. Plus there’s a Mexican cruise involved. Bit of a splurge, but you only live once, right? My only hesitation was what would happen to our visa status if our permanent residency didn’t come through before we left. Now that’s taken care of we’re all set.

But we'll be back in 3-1/2 weeks - no time at all. I've got the first bar exam (Law of Contracts) on July 4th, classes (and - cross-my-fingers, my new job) start a couple weeks after that, and now that we're permanent Ali's ready to get a job, too.

Besides, I'd miss all the great sea food here.


Wednesday, May 04, 2005

My Goldilocks Moment

The interview wasn’t bad, it was just weird. I was ushered into a conference room with all the characters from the morning’s presentation, plus the Head of Accounting and Finance. (For some reason, Commercial Law is a department of the Business School, not the Law School.) My nightmare moment came when someone asked, “If you had a chance to do the presentation over again, was there anything you’d do differently?” Well, yes: I’d use a different body.

I never pretended to have any teaching experience, and their questions made it abundantly clear I’d have a lot to learn. But I’m interested in learning, and I’m eager to try something new. The problem, however, was that I’d also need to get my master’s degree at the same time. The thought of taking it all on at once was completely overwhelming. Ambivalence reigned supreme that night.

Next day, however, I got an email from the Department Head, Mike, asking if I could come by and talk about “options.” Turns out, he’d had someone in mind for the lecturer position from the beginning. (Not me, obviously.) He only posted the opening because it’s required, and hadn't expected anyone to apply. (I only found it because I was surfing the U's website at the right time.) And because of changes in their funding situation, he can’t hire any full-time staff who haven’t published. (None of this is sounding too promising so far, right?)

But they wanted to see if I’d consider working on a part-time basis until I finished my degree. (Yes!!!!!) I’d be able to ease into teaching with a very light load, and also try and get some research published. (Bingo! I hit the jackpot! So happy I practically levitated off my chair! It was exactly what I was hoping for, even better.) I told him we could probably work something out along those lines.

He still has to clear it with the Hiring Committee, but I’m guessing that’s not gonna be a big deal. They're scheduled to meet next month, but Mike said he’ll try to get an answer sooner if possible. I’m pretty psyched – this feels just right.
