We Survived!
Yesterday our last guest left. This morning we slept in past 11. Four weeks, almost two dozen trips to the airport, and twenty Amirys. Those stunts on Survivor are for babies.

In the meantime, I've been catching up on the world and it looks like this Abramoff scandal might actually have the potential to wake Americans up to the incredible level of corruption in their midst. Or not. After all, none of the previous blockbuster revelations - from the Administration's fraudulent build-up to the war in Iraq, to its support for torture and extraordinary rendition, or even the wiretapping of American citizens - seems to have had much effect on the public at large. But hope springs eternal. Meanwhile, I found an interesting story about how the latest scandal broke - Bang the Manicurist Slowly - when Scanlon jilted his former finacee for a nail technician and she went to the Feds. As the saying goes, hell hath no fury.
After months of being inundated with school and work and house guests, my break time is pretty limited. Tomorrow I need to begin preparing lectures for the course I'll be teaching in the fall, since the power point slides have to be submitted by 9 Feb. Also, the summer school class I'm teaching resumes this week, so I've got work to do for that, too. No rest for the weary, but I'll survive this, too.
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