What, Me Worry?

On the plus side, I now have an office to myself rather than sharing with two other people. It’s one floor up from the rest of my department, so I get lots of exercise going up and down stairs all day to the printer. And I’m making new friends with the folks on the 7th floor. There are a bunch of Americans in the Property Dept which is located here, and we all seem to have some connection to Chicago. One guy was interested in the topic of my LLM paper - securitization in China - and suggested we could do a paper together, as he's interested in it from the finance side, which would be totally cool.

Last weekend we visited with Antonia and her parents, who have a webcam. Their families in Germany have seen the baby more than Ali and me. She's up to 4 kilos now, a full third bigger than when we saw her two weeks ago. Armaz & Angelique said she hardly ever cries, just eats and sleeps. Which sounds like a pretty good plan.
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