No Ruz 1386: 3/21/2007 12:07pm (NZ std time)

I began today's lecture by asking if anyone was celebrating No Ruz. One student (out of about 420) raised his hand. He seemed to be surprised I brought it up, but we wished each other ade shoma mobarak. He even volunteered to answer my first question when the real lecture began. I have a new ally in the class.
I've been plagued by myriad small annoyances lately, from the alarm in the elevator next to my office that has been going off continuously for five days now, to trying to get last month's mail from NZ Post. (I can't bring myself to go into the details, but I'm beginning to feel like a storybook character sent on quest devised by Monty Python). So it was extra nice when the guy at the Korean pancake stall said I was his last customer for the day, so he was making me a present - two pancakes for the price of one.
I haven't taken a full day off since I got here, but this evening I decided to go to another AK07 event. "Max Black" was a bit of Swiss-German experimental theater, with a sort of mad-scientist philosopher declaiming near-gibberish in French (English subtitles provided), while puttering around in his "workshop" of wonderful and weird devices. He turned nearly everything into a musical instrument of sorts, and managed to light almost everything else on fire. My favorite was the box he hit on one side, making a deep-base sound, the vibrations of which caused smoke rings to pop out the other side.
It was totally bizarre, but also whimsical and rather charming. The people around me were of mixed opinions; some were enchanted, others clearly disapproved. I wished Ali was there, because he'd have loved it.
On my way home, I noticed the air was charged with magic. It happens sometimes.
I wish you a happy and magical 1386, wherever you are.